Transport logistic China 2024

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Transport logistic China will be held from 25 to 27 June 2024 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre. As Asia’s biggest and most exciting fair, you can catch up on the latest developments, exchange knowledge, and efficiently network with your target customers and logistics experts from all over the world.

Dedicated to the logistics industry for 20 years, transport logistic China builds a face to face communication platform for brand promotion, product release, and customer contact.


  • High international participation: 794 exhibitors from 42 countries and regions

  • Over 36,000 visitors from 92 countries and regions, demonstrating a strong global presence

  • 50,000 square-meter exhibition space
  • 27 high-quality conference sessions, focusing on low-carbon and intelligent logistics development


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Highly international event brings together global logistics giants

Many international and local logistics giants and emerging leaders such as Sinotrans, CRCTC, COSCO Shipping, China Post, JD Logistics, Cainiao, RTSB, Hefei Logistics Group, Sakhalin Railways, UTLC, DB Cargo, showcased their cutting-edge innovations across the entire spectrum of logistics services, from logistics real estate and air freight to land transport, port and shipping logistics, fresh produce logistics, logistics equipment and IT systems and special vehicles.
"Comparing to the previous one, the growth of exhibition this year is amazing. A lot of people coming here to ask for our services, to discuss new businesses." said Alexey KRAVCHENKO, the Commercial Director of FESCO Transportation Group. Tang Hao, Director of the Board of DB Cargo Transasia also expressed "As a frequenter of transport logistic China, I was impressed by the significant increase in the number of exhibitors and visitors this year. Demonstrating transport logistics China is placed with increasing trust from customers and logistics companies."


During the exhibition, over 27 conference sessions under seven major themes took turns to stage. These events invited industry associations, consulting agencies, leading companies to share their insights and experience, providing an essential communication platform for industry professionals to exchange ideas and stay updated on new trends. Forums such as "Asia Logistics Technology Forum", "Green Supply Chain Extension: Building an International Low-carbon Logistics Corridor", and "Logistics for the Future", focused on industry transformation, technological innovation, and international cooperation. Hot topics included logistics ESG (green and low-carbon development), digital technology for cost reduction and efficiency, and cross-border logistics. These discussions offered innovative and practical insights for issues such as the export of "new trio" (EVs, Li-ion Batteries, and photovoltaic products), and the supply chain of hazardous chemicals, automobiles, and footwear.